1 Chronicles

Chapter 3

1 Now these428 were1961 the sons1121 of David,1732 which834 were born3205 unto him in Hebron;2275 the firstborn1060 Amnon,550 of Ahinoam293 the Jezreelitess;3159 the second8145 Daniel,1840 of Abigail26 the Carmelitess: 3762

2 The third,7992 Absalom53 the son1121 of Maachah4601 the daughter1323 of Talmai8526 king4428 of Geshur:1650 the fourth,7243 Adonijah138 the son1121 of Haggith: 2294

3 The fifth,2549 Shephatiah8203 of Abital:37 the sixth,8345 Ithream3507 by Eglah5698 his wife.802

4 These six8337 were born3205 unto him in Hebron;2275 and there8033 he reigned4427 seven7651 years8141 and six8337 months:2320 and in Jerusalem3389 he reigned4427 thirty7970 and three7969 years.8141

5 And these428 were born3205 unto him in Jerusalem;3389 Shimea,8092 and Shobab,7727 and Nathan,5416 and Solomon,8010 four,702 of Bath-shua1340 the daughter1323 of Ammiel: 5988

6 Ibhar2984 also, and Elishama,476 and Eliphelet,467

7 And Nogah,5052 and Nepheg,5298 and Japhia,3309

8 And Elishama,476 and Eliada,450 and Eliphelet,467 nine.8672

9 These were all3605 the sons1121 of David,1732 beside4480 905 the sons1121 of the concubines,6370 and Tamar8559 their sister.269

10 And Solomon's8010 son1121 was Rehoboam,7346 Abia29 his son,1121 Asa609 his son,1121 Jehoshaphat3092 his son,1121

11 Joram3141 his son,1121 Ahaziah274 his son,1121 Joash3101 his son,1121

12 Amaziah558 his son,1121 Azariah5838 his son,1121 Jotham3147 his son,1121

13 Ahaz271 his son,1121 Hezekiah2396 his son,1121 Manasseh4519 his son,1121

14 Amon526 his son,1121 Josiah2977 his son.1121

15 And the sons1121 of Josiah2977 were, the firstborn1060 Johanan,3110 the second8145 Jehoiakim,3079 the third7992 Zedekiah,6667 the fourth7243 Shallum.7967

16 And the sons1121 of Jehoiakim:3079 Jeconiah3204 his son,1121 Zedekiah6667 his son.1121

17 And the sons1121 of Jeconiah;3204 Assir,617 Salathiel7597 his son,1121

18 Malchiram4443 also, and Pedaiah,6305 and Shenazar,8137 Jecamiah,3359 Hoshama,1953 and Nedabiah.5072

19 And the sons1121 of Pedaiah6305 were, Zerubbabel,2216 and Shimei:8096 and the sons1121 of Zerubbabel;2216 Meshullam,4918 and Hananiah,2608 and Shelomith8019 their sister: 269

20 And Hashubah,2807 and Ohel,169 and Berechiah,1296 and Hasadiah,2619 Jushab-hesed,3142 five.2568

21 And the sons1121 of Hananiah;2608 Pelatiah,6410 and Jesaiah:3470 the sons1121 of Rephaiah,7509 the sons1121 of Arnan,770 the sons1121 of Obadiah,5662 the sons1121 of Shechaniah.7935

22 And the sons1121 of Shechaniah;7935 Shemaiah:8098 and the sons1121 of Shemaiah;8098 Hattush,2407 and Igeal,3008 and Bariah,1282 and Neariah,5294 and Shaphat,8202 six.8337

23 And the sons1121 of Neariah;5294 Elioenai,454 and Hezekiah,2396 and Azrikam,5840 three.7969

24 And the sons1121 of Elioenai454 were, Hodaiah,1939 and Eliashib,475 and Pelaiah,6411 and Akkub,6126 and Johanan,3110 and Dalaiah,1806 and Anani,6054 seven.7651

Das erste Buch der Chronik

Kapitel 3

1 Dies sind die Kinder1121 Davids1732, die ihm zu Hebron2275 geboren3205 sind: der erste1060 Amnon550, von Ahinoam293, der Jesreelitin3159; der andere8145 Daniel1840, von Abigail26, der Karmelitin3762;

2 der dritte7992 Absalom53, der Sohn1121 Maechas, der Tochter1323 Thalmais8526, des Königs4428 zu Gesur; der vierte7243 Adonia138, der Sohn1121 Haggiths2294;

3 der fünfte2549 Saphatja, von Abital37; der sechste8345 Jethream3507, von seinem Weibe802 Egla5698.

4 Diese sechs8337 sind ihm geboren3205 zu Hebron2275; denn er regierete daselbst sieben7651 Jahre8141 und4427 sechs8337 Monden2320; aber zu Jerusalem3389 regierete er dreiunddreißig7969 Jahre8141.

5 Und diese sind ihm geboren3205 zu, Jerusalem3389: Simea8092, Sobab7727, Nathan5416, Salomo8010, die vier702, von der Tochter1323 Suas, der Tochter Ammiels5988;

6 dazu Jebehar, Elisama476, Eliphalet,

7 Noga, Nepheg5298, Japia,

8 Elisama476, Eliada, Eliphalet, die neun8672.

9 Das sind alles Kinder1121 Davids1732, ohne was der Kebsweiber6370 Kinder1121 waren. Und Thamar8559 war ihre Schwester269.

10 Salomos8010 Sohn1121 war Rehabeam7346; des Sohn1121 war Abia29; des Sohn1121 war Assa; des Sohn1121 war Josaphat3092;

11 des Sohn1121 war Joram3141; des Sohn1121 war Ahasja274; des Sohn1121 war Joas3101;

12 des Sohn1121 war Amazia; des Sohn1121 war Asarja5838; des Sohn1121 war Jotham3147;

13 des Sohn1121 war Ahas271; des Sohn1121 war Hiskia2396; des Sohn1121 war Manasse4519;

14 des Sohn1121 war Amon526; des Sohn1121 war Josia2977.

15 Josias2977 Söhne1121 aber waren: der erste1060 Johanan3110, der andere8145 Jojakim3079, der dritte7992 Zidekia, der vierte7243 Sallum7967.

16 Aber die Kinder1121 Jojakims3079 waren Jechanja; des Sohn1121 war1121 Zidekia.

17 Die Kinder1121 aber1121 Jechanias, der gefangen ward617, waren: Sealthiel7597,

18 Malchiram4443, Phadaja, Senneazar, Jekamja3359, Hosama1953, Nedabja5072.

19 Die Kinder1121 Phadajas waren: Zerubabel und Simei8096. Die Kinder1121 Zerubabels waren: Mesullam4918 und Hananja2608 und ihre Schwester269 Selomith8019;

20 dazu Hasuba2807, Ohel169, Berechja1296, Hasadja2619, Jusab-Hesed3142, die fünf2568.

21 Die Kinder1121 aber Hananjas2608 waren: Platja und Jesaja3470; des Sohn1121 war Rephaja7509, des Sohn1121 war Arnan; des Sohn1121 War Obadja5662; des Sohn1121 war Sachanja.

22 Die Kinder1121 aber Sachanjas waren Semaja8098. Die Kinder1121 Semajas8098 waren: Hattus2407, Jegeal, Bariah1282, Nearja5294, Saphat8202, die sechs8337.

23 Die Kinder1121 aber Nearjas5294 waren: Elioenai, Hiskja, Asrikam5840, die drei7969.

24 Die Kinder1121 aber Elioenais waren: Hodaja, Eliasib, Plaja, Akub, Johanan3110, Delaja1806, Anani6054, die sieben7651.

1 Chronicles

Chapter 3

Das erste Buch der Chronik

Kapitel 3

1 Now these428 were1961 the sons1121 of David,1732 which834 were born3205 unto him in Hebron;2275 the firstborn1060 Amnon,550 of Ahinoam293 the Jezreelitess;3159 the second8145 Daniel,1840 of Abigail26 the Carmelitess: 3762

1 Dies sind die Kinder1121 Davids1732, die ihm zu Hebron2275 geboren3205 sind: der erste1060 Amnon550, von Ahinoam293, der Jesreelitin3159; der andere8145 Daniel1840, von Abigail26, der Karmelitin3762;

2 The third,7992 Absalom53 the son1121 of Maachah4601 the daughter1323 of Talmai8526 king4428 of Geshur:1650 the fourth,7243 Adonijah138 the son1121 of Haggith: 2294

2 der dritte7992 Absalom53, der Sohn1121 Maechas, der Tochter1323 Thalmais8526, des Königs4428 zu Gesur; der vierte7243 Adonia138, der Sohn1121 Haggiths2294;

3 The fifth,2549 Shephatiah8203 of Abital:37 the sixth,8345 Ithream3507 by Eglah5698 his wife.802

3 der fünfte2549 Saphatja, von Abital37; der sechste8345 Jethream3507, von seinem Weibe802 Egla5698.

4 These six8337 were born3205 unto him in Hebron;2275 and there8033 he reigned4427 seven7651 years8141 and six8337 months:2320 and in Jerusalem3389 he reigned4427 thirty7970 and three7969 years.8141

4 Diese sechs8337 sind ihm geboren3205 zu Hebron2275; denn er regierete daselbst sieben7651 Jahre8141 und4427 sechs8337 Monden2320; aber zu Jerusalem3389 regierete er dreiunddreißig7969 Jahre8141.

5 And these428 were born3205 unto him in Jerusalem;3389 Shimea,8092 and Shobab,7727 and Nathan,5416 and Solomon,8010 four,702 of Bath-shua1340 the daughter1323 of Ammiel: 5988

5 Und diese sind ihm geboren3205 zu, Jerusalem3389: Simea8092, Sobab7727, Nathan5416, Salomo8010, die vier702, von der Tochter1323 Suas, der Tochter Ammiels5988;

6 Ibhar2984 also, and Elishama,476 and Eliphelet,467

6 dazu Jebehar, Elisama476, Eliphalet,

7 And Nogah,5052 and Nepheg,5298 and Japhia,3309

7 Noga, Nepheg5298, Japia,

8 And Elishama,476 and Eliada,450 and Eliphelet,467 nine.8672

8 Elisama476, Eliada, Eliphalet, die neun8672.

9 These were all3605 the sons1121 of David,1732 beside4480 905 the sons1121 of the concubines,6370 and Tamar8559 their sister.269

9 Das sind alles Kinder1121 Davids1732, ohne was der Kebsweiber6370 Kinder1121 waren. Und Thamar8559 war ihre Schwester269.

10 And Solomon's8010 son1121 was Rehoboam,7346 Abia29 his son,1121 Asa609 his son,1121 Jehoshaphat3092 his son,1121

10 Salomos8010 Sohn1121 war Rehabeam7346; des Sohn1121 war Abia29; des Sohn1121 war Assa; des Sohn1121 war Josaphat3092;

11 Joram3141 his son,1121 Ahaziah274 his son,1121 Joash3101 his son,1121

11 des Sohn1121 war Joram3141; des Sohn1121 war Ahasja274; des Sohn1121 war Joas3101;

12 Amaziah558 his son,1121 Azariah5838 his son,1121 Jotham3147 his son,1121

12 des Sohn1121 war Amazia; des Sohn1121 war Asarja5838; des Sohn1121 war Jotham3147;

13 Ahaz271 his son,1121 Hezekiah2396 his son,1121 Manasseh4519 his son,1121

13 des Sohn1121 war Ahas271; des Sohn1121 war Hiskia2396; des Sohn1121 war Manasse4519;

14 Amon526 his son,1121 Josiah2977 his son.1121

14 des Sohn1121 war Amon526; des Sohn1121 war Josia2977.

15 And the sons1121 of Josiah2977 were, the firstborn1060 Johanan,3110 the second8145 Jehoiakim,3079 the third7992 Zedekiah,6667 the fourth7243 Shallum.7967

15 Josias2977 Söhne1121 aber waren: der erste1060 Johanan3110, der andere8145 Jojakim3079, der dritte7992 Zidekia, der vierte7243 Sallum7967.

16 And the sons1121 of Jehoiakim:3079 Jeconiah3204 his son,1121 Zedekiah6667 his son.1121

16 Aber die Kinder1121 Jojakims3079 waren Jechanja; des Sohn1121 war1121 Zidekia.

17 And the sons1121 of Jeconiah;3204 Assir,617 Salathiel7597 his son,1121

17 Die Kinder1121 aber1121 Jechanias, der gefangen ward617, waren: Sealthiel7597,

18 Malchiram4443 also, and Pedaiah,6305 and Shenazar,8137 Jecamiah,3359 Hoshama,1953 and Nedabiah.5072

18 Malchiram4443, Phadaja, Senneazar, Jekamja3359, Hosama1953, Nedabja5072.

19 And the sons1121 of Pedaiah6305 were, Zerubbabel,2216 and Shimei:8096 and the sons1121 of Zerubbabel;2216 Meshullam,4918 and Hananiah,2608 and Shelomith8019 their sister: 269

19 Die Kinder1121 Phadajas waren: Zerubabel und Simei8096. Die Kinder1121 Zerubabels waren: Mesullam4918 und Hananja2608 und ihre Schwester269 Selomith8019;

20 And Hashubah,2807 and Ohel,169 and Berechiah,1296 and Hasadiah,2619 Jushab-hesed,3142 five.2568

20 dazu Hasuba2807, Ohel169, Berechja1296, Hasadja2619, Jusab-Hesed3142, die fünf2568.

21 And the sons1121 of Hananiah;2608 Pelatiah,6410 and Jesaiah:3470 the sons1121 of Rephaiah,7509 the sons1121 of Arnan,770 the sons1121 of Obadiah,5662 the sons1121 of Shechaniah.7935

21 Die Kinder1121 aber Hananjas2608 waren: Platja und Jesaja3470; des Sohn1121 war Rephaja7509, des Sohn1121 war Arnan; des Sohn1121 War Obadja5662; des Sohn1121 war Sachanja.

22 And the sons1121 of Shechaniah;7935 Shemaiah:8098 and the sons1121 of Shemaiah;8098 Hattush,2407 and Igeal,3008 and Bariah,1282 and Neariah,5294 and Shaphat,8202 six.8337

22 Die Kinder1121 aber Sachanjas waren Semaja8098. Die Kinder1121 Semajas8098 waren: Hattus2407, Jegeal, Bariah1282, Nearja5294, Saphat8202, die sechs8337.

23 And the sons1121 of Neariah;5294 Elioenai,454 and Hezekiah,2396 and Azrikam,5840 three.7969

23 Die Kinder1121 aber Nearjas5294 waren: Elioenai, Hiskja, Asrikam5840, die drei7969.

24 And the sons1121 of Elioenai454 were, Hodaiah,1939 and Eliashib,475 and Pelaiah,6411 and Akkub,6126 and Johanan,3110 and Dalaiah,1806 and Anani,6054 seven.7651

24 Die Kinder1121 aber Elioenais waren: Hodaja, Eliasib, Plaja, Akub, Johanan3110, Delaja1806, Anani6054, die sieben7651.